Sliding and folding doors are a style of doors which allows you to collapse them down into a smaller area. This makes them an ideal addition to any room going on the veranda, as it allows you to totally open the wall of glass doors on a nice day, providing you with far greater access and exposure to the outside and weather.
This type of door is becoming increasingly popular, particularly among people seeking a glass room for their home. This is understandable, as the doors themselves are multi-purpose, acting as a glass wall when all you want is a view of your garden or the outside, only then to be opened up, completely changing the feel of the entire space.
The doors themselves are actually cheaper than you might expect. The most expensive element of the doors is the glass, which can be quite expensive, but if you’re planning on getting a solid glass wall anyway, then spending the extra money in order to get greater function is certainly worth it in the eyes of many.